In times that can make absolutely no sense. How are you suppose to praise and be thankful during times of hardships?
This week a group of wonderful girls that God beautifully orchestrated to meet and myself had the opportunity to share what this meant to us. As Casey so beautifully put it. "There promise in our pain."
God does not promise us that life will be fair, but he promised us that he is faithful.
Jeremiah 29: 11 says, I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out--plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.
It was such a powerful moment to really think back to every single time this promise was fulfilled in my life.
God brought me out tearful breakups and lead me to the husband that I can't imagine life without.
God brought me through the death a friend and lead me to an even deeper understanding of what he wants from me.
God brought me though Steven being sick and lead me to a place where I am even more thankful for everyday.
God brought and continues to bring.

I heart you.