Happy 1 week anniversary Meredith and Russell. As an anniversary gift to you I am dedicating an entire blog spot to your special day. I know your excited!

This is my Meredith and I was truly honored to be a part of her wedding last weekend. Meredith lights up any room that she walks into and I could not have imagined a more fun weekend with her.
The weekend started with last minute deliveries of out of town bags before we set up camp at beautiful Fountainview Mansion for operation wedding. Friday night was filled with rehearsing it up, delicious food, heartwarming stories, the singing debut of Russell, and of course the presentation of the famous Publix cake. Meredith helped me a great deal with my wedding and even brought Russell along to help with a very important task, cake testing. Knowing that Russell was part of the clean plate club in school we knew he would do us proud. After several rounds of icing and cake it was time for the final verdict. After pondering with his taste buds for a few minutes, Russell replies that all he wanted for his wedding cake was a Publix cake that read "Congratulations Russell"
How could we deny him such an easy request. So once again, Congratulations Russell.

After we all had our roles rehearsed and our bellies full the girls headed out for a few photos before putting together some last minute details for the big day tomorrow.

The next morning the preparation began (a special shot out to my hair stylist, Brittany B) and yet again we were treated to a very special brunch with some very special gifts from our favorite bride of the weekend.

These were not only cute bags, but they were home to some very cute gifts as well. I mean who can't use a pair of very comfortable and useful flip flops along with a absolutely adorable towel wrap?

After the brunch we did what we do best, take pictures!

After getting a little bit more comfy the real fun began. I mean whats a wedding without the bride dancing to New York New York with a top hat while her mother plays her comes the bride.
We did manage to pull her away from her Broadway Production and get her ready for the role of bride and what a beautiful bride she was. Rus was not so shabby either ;)

I did manage to sneak away for a moment a snap a picture with my wonderful husband too.
The ceremony was probably not what Meredith had planned out in her head, but it was perfect! I mean who else can say they got married in a thunderstorm? Despite the fact that the groomsmen were holding down the tent so that the wind did not blow us away, the lanterns were spinning uncontrollably above our heads and water was slowly trickling down our backs you could not deny the look of love on their faces as they became husband and wife.
I leave you with one last face. The excitement of my dad as he held a polka dotted umbrella during the ceremony. If rain means good luck on your wedding day, Meredith and Russell you now have a life time of luck and love!

Loved the sweet recap and LOVE all the pics. You make me laugh. Some fave moments from this post: Russell's cake, the video, and of course pic of Jerry B (priceless). It def was a wonderful and memorable day!