On Saturday, Mom had a birthday. Now I am not going to say how old she turned but here is a list of FIFTY SEVEN random things we all love about her.
She use to try and scrub off her freckles when she was younger
She had me, Brooke, and Kristy.
She takes care of Charlie
She is a great gift giver
She cooks wonder dressing for Thanksgiving
She loves and accepts everyone she meets
Her middle name is Carol
She sneezes every time she eats a York Peppermint Patty.
She likes to drink Margaritas
She has a green thumb
She always has a stylish no ride
She makes up words Example: Thunk, a verb, past tense of think
She makes up phrases Example: I swear on a bear.
She read us stories before bed when we were little
She works in her PJs some days
When she tells stores, she gets very animated
She cries during George of the Jungle
She brings home any dog that she sees on the side of the road
She secretly wants to be a rocket
She would marry George Straight if he asked her today.
We think that when she was little she had Elvis sheets on her bed.
She will not try clothes on at the stores, if she can not wear them she gives them away.
She types fast
She has not found out about all the stuff we did growing up
She likes to keep the house clean
She married Dad
She is not only a dog whisper, but a fish whisper as well
On the side she rescues frogs out of the pool.
We can keep up with her but looking at her facebook status.
The older she gets the higher her heels get
She ordered 10 different dresses for my wedding
The more she drinks the louder she gets
She is always smiling
Her make up always looks pretty
She does not like for you to take pictures of her in the morning
She if extremely afraid of black grasshoppers
She is hiding her GPA from college from Brooke and I
She loves Christmas decorations
She is a secret Sci-Fi junkie (all into planet of the apes)
She hates the way she looks in tennis shoes
She will not get a pedicure because she thinks the people are going to talk about her toes in Korean.
She is a great Mom
She is into the same music that my kids listen to
She does not like to fly
No matter how she feels at a party she will dance
She really can’t handle long island ice teas, but she has not learned that yet
She helped me plan a perfect wedding
She has two cars so she will not put miles on her new car.
Her initials spell DCB
She does not talk about people badly
All of her teeth are brand new (Thank you Dr. Childress)
She is good at her job
She cried every time Brooke and I pulled out of the driveway for college.
She is a good speller
She got a tattoo after she almost gave Brooke a spanking for getting one
She came to all our school plays, honor days, and everything else growing up.
She does not act like she is&*$$%&*W!
We love you Mom
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