Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
One of my favorite things about God is how is can see the entire plan for beginning to end for our lives. We on the other hand can only see small bits at a time. Sometimes he allows us to see how some of the steps have worked together and we have an "oh, I know why that happened now" moment.
I recently experienced one of these moments that starts about 9 years ago and has lead to this week.I'm going quick through the memories so hold on...
My friend Melinda and I visited Georgia Southern University to look at colleges. I decided to go and then she talked me into rushing.
Joined Alpha Delta Pi.
Meet another girl in ADPi named Amanda McKinney.
Amanda was killed in a car accident and I was forced to take a good look at my relationship with God.
Started going to Church and meet some really really great friends and my future husband who all happened to be a year younger then me.
Graduated from GSU with and education degree and decided to stay and extra year to get my masters since all my friends were still in school.
Graduated from my master's and moved back home to teach. Interviewed at a few schools and did not get the job.- Jeremiah 29:11
Offered and accepted a job at LCE (meet some of the most wonderful people, but that's a whole new story)
Taught summer school last year and happened to find that a college nearby was offering a specialist in leadership degree.
Decided to go into curriculum instead.
Told my principal and she said go into leadership.- so I did.
Fast forward about 9 months. I have been working on this degree and I graduate in December. Throughout it all there have been some questions on my heart about my decision to go into it. There have also been laws passed in the time I started I degree that left questions about if this was the right choice for me. I have always known that things would work out like they were suppose to so I tried not to worry about it to much.
A few weeks ago our principal sent out an e-mail informing us that our Instructional Specialist, Amy, was being moved to another school. Amy is absolutely wonderful. She does a great job with students, parents, and teachers. I have had the privilege to intern under her for the last 9 months, and I learned a great deal from here in the past school year. I have the utmost respect for her and I know she will do a wonderful job at her new school.
This in when the world wind started. In processing Amy's leaving, I learned that I could apply for the job because I was in the leadership program.
I really can't tell you the next sequence of events because they happened so fast and I went through so many emotions in my heart. Jeremiah 29:11.
Tomorrow I will start my new job as Instructional Specialist. I am excited, nervous, and thankful all in the same breath.
So as I process the steps that got me here I can't help but smile. God knew and always has known how this would unfold- step by step, decision by decision, and moment by moment.
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future
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Congratulations again, Brittany! You will be fabulous.