Some may cause this immature, but I like to think of it as a good sense of humor. I knew it would always come back to get me soon enough.
My pretty friend Jenna has a few of the best falling stories I know. I was a first hand witness to one of the times. I still laugh out laugh every time I think about it. She tells the story with great detail. Please read here.

This takes me to part two of the blog.
We will call it Payback.
A few weeks ago I decided to go out and enjoy the nice spring weather with a little walk/run with the dogs. Everything seemed to be going perfectly fine until... I'm not really sure what happened.
There I was minding my on business walking down the road when some how I manged to just fall down. Nothing in the road, no distractions, nothing, I was even walking. I hit the ground with a roll and thud. It was as if an invisible foot has crossed my path to trip me up.
I was greeted by the dog looking into my face with a "what in the heck" look on it. To which I did what I do best when someone falls: I started laughing.
I could not stop thinking about how funny that must have looked to anyone that saw it. I mean one minute up and walking and the next second down!
The laughter was premature because of the damage done during the fall.
I confess to being a laugher too, and I defiantly laughed WITH you at the thought of that. :-)