I think it is funny when people fall down. It matters not if they are my best friend or some poor strange on the street. They fall, I laugh.
Some may cause this immature, but I like to think of it as a good sense of humor. I knew it would always come back to get me soon enough.
My pretty friend Jenna has a few of the best falling stories I know. I was a first hand witness to one of the times. I still laugh out laugh
every time I think about it. She tells the story with great detail.
Please read here.

I can also remember being outside the biology building at Georgia Southern one day when again someone fell down, and I could not
contain my laughter. It was a rainy may day and this innocent little college student hit the wet payment and books went a flying! I did manage to ask her if she was
ok and wait
until she walked inside before the laughter began. Again, I still laugh out loud when I think about her falling down.
This takes me to part two of the blog.
We will call it
Payback.A few weeks ago I decided to go out and enjoy the nice spring weather with a little walk/run with the dogs. Everything seemed to be going perfectly fine
until... I'm not really sure what
There I was minding my on business walking down the road when some how I manged to just fall down. Nothing in the road, no distractions, nothing, I was even walking. I hit the ground with a roll and
thud. It was as if an
invisible foot has crossed my path to trip me up.
I was greeted by the dog looking into my face with a "what in the heck" look on it. To which I did what I do best when someone falls: I started laughing.
I could not stop thinking about how funny that must have looked to anyone that saw it. I mean one minute up and walking and the next second down!
The laughter was premature because of the damage done during the fall.

managed to
scrape my legs right before our beach trip and....

break my I-pod all in one fall.
All is good though because it still works, just no screen anymore.
Sadly to say, I will continue to laugh if you fall, but you are welcome to do the same at me.