Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Biggeset Loser

About a month ago our school was challenged by the middle school next door. The competition involved a biggest loser challenge.

The Rules:
1. Teams of three could enter
2. Weigh ins are every three weeks
3. The team with the highest percentage of weight loss would win the prize

After the announcement was made at a faculty meeting, eyes began to dart all over the room as teachers begin to pick their teams. I can't say that it is a good thing that someone wants you on their team because they probably think you need to lose the most weight.

Preceding some cut throat discussions and a mean game of rock paper scissors the teams were formed and team names were made up. Some of these include:

More to lose then you think
No Mo Muffin Tops
Wii Fat
Fatty Boom Batty

Work was all a buzz the next day as carrots replaced chocolate and strawberries replaced sugar. It only took a few days before the kids wanted to know why all of us were in bad moods ;)

Truly, this competition has been a great learning experience. I have really taken the time to research foods and what they provide to the body, besides taste. Earle and I joined the gym, where I am proud to say that after a month of working out and watching the calorie intake I lost .5 of an oz! That's 1/2 of an ounce, and that was after I used the potty too!

Though the pounds may not be coming off like I would like, I do feel better and have more energy throughout the day.
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Monday, February 15, 2010

Backfire of a Plan

Listening to a professor for 5 hours may sound like fun to some people, but I do not particularly fit into that category.

During my class on Saturday my brain started wondering all over the Internet. I came across a pet adoption agency and found a ball of fur that tugged on my little heart strings. This adorable small find was Cliff the Cocker Spaniel.

A plan quickly came to mind. I posted a link to help find Cliff onto Earle's facebook wall. I thought he surly could not miss the hint then. I have a dog who I love very much so this "hint" was nothing more then a way to pass the time in class. Little did I know!

A few days later Cliff had been forgotten when I learned of a new word: Goldendoodle- a mix of a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. Seems that all the dog wall posts have sparked a doogie nerve in Earle's heart.

A student of his was in the process of trying to give away their 2 year old Goldendoodle, Rusty. I approached the situation very carefully asking the most important question first: How much does he weigh?

The response I was given by his student was about 40 pounds. Earle teaches math support classes so that should have triggered something right there. They also e-mailed me a picture of Rusty so that I could too see how cute he was.

After receiving the picture. I responded with just one word, precious. (He looked about 40 pounds to me)

Fast forward a few hours later after a long day of teaching and a good run at the gym. I walk into the kitchen and find....
The real 70 pound Rusty looking up at me. Getting a dog without really thinking your getting a dog can be a little shocking to the system. I was a little quiet for a while to say the least.
Now that I am settled with the idea that Rusty is joining our family things have settled down a bit. He is a wonderful dog that makes me want to send Smokey to obedient school!
They are getting along great and becoming good friends.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A two week nap!

Lots of exciting news and events over the past two weeks…

Earle had a sleep test and spinal tap scheduled at Emory on the 23rd to get some more research on Kline Leven Syndrome. A few days before the test, he had to stop all his medicine to get an accurate measurement of his blood and protein levels. The good and bad news was that he got sick the day he went of the medicine… bad because he feel asleep, good because we know that the medicine must be helping in some way.

After a few boxes of cookie crisp and a few thousand nerds we headed up to Emory to drop him off. They hooked him up to the machines and he did what he does best, slept.

The next morning we made the trip back up to pick him up. I walked in to find they had turned him into a mummy.

They waited until I arrived to do the spinal tab and the blood work, lucky me. He did such a great job considering he was sleepy sick.

It was a long weekend but the tests were run and a few more boxes of cereal were eaten.

As always some of the things that come out of his mouth during this time never surprise me. Here is a snapshot of living with a real live Rip Van Winkle…

· To the Korean doctor at Emory- “You got pretty skin. Can I touch it?” and “Does your daddy own Kia?”

· To Dr. Rye during the blood work as he takes off the band on his arm “Let’s do this another day, okay?”

· As I walked by the bathroom, while he was taking a bath I hear this song- “I’m in Jamica Mon, I’m in Jamica man.”

· Tell Andrea and Whitfield bye” Bye raaaatard!”

It is always a interesting time to say the least with spiritual lessons along the way.

He is up and feeling better!