Brittany, "I mean where have the past two week gone?"
Earle. "Brittany, we did a lot!"
Christmas break has come and is almost gone. Tomorrow the sound of a blaring alarm clock will resume its' job as my wake up call. Earle was right. We did more then a lot over the break. We had a few adventures, constructed a few houses, and even saw some old friends.
Nothing else can start a two week vacation off then to drive to Orlando to see my favorite older sister graduate. We packed up the truck and headed down south. I was well equipped with movies for the entire trip there and back. Kristy is a very smart person and even managed to get two degrees. Notice all the honor cords around her neck. We did a lot of eating and laughing the entire weekend. 
She was very quick to remind anyone that forget that it was HER day.

She was very quick to remind anyone that forget that it was HER day.

Very soon after the Orlando trip, the second big adventure of the break began: Gingerbread Wars, version 2.
I'm not sure how the first annual gingerbread war came about last year, but I do have sad memories of the results. Out of the four entries I placed 4th. With the losing pressure from last year mounted on my shoulders I began to do a little gingerbread building research. Some may call this cheating, but I like to call it strategy.
The competition started off a little slow, but things quickly began to pick up.

We had a new entry this year. Earle decided to join the competition at the last minute. Well actually the night before. He stayed up until midnight perfecting his gingerbread creation.

This was the final masterpiece: Gingerbread Cabin

The entries were lined up and the secret voting began. We have a very technological savvy way of doing this. Mom places a number on each house and we vote for the one we like the best. I was very nervous as this point in the game.

At last the winner was revealed: First!
As you can see from the family picture we took after the competition I was very excited over my victory.

With the victory fresh on my mind. We headed out for a busy, but fun day of Christmas family visiting.
7:00- Wake up and pack the car
8:00- Mom and Dad's for Santa
11:00- Aunt Teri's for brunch
3:00- The Tanners' for a quick shower
4:15-Nana's house for a little visit
5:00- Andrea and Jason's for a Christmas dinner
11:00- Bed at the Tanners
That's right guinness book of world records. We hit up seven houses on Christmas day.
We got to hang out with some pretty awesome and excited kids. Taylor loves her Uncle Earle.
We got to hang out with some pretty awesome and excited kids. Taylor loves her Uncle Earle.

We tried several times to take this. Taylor kept saying, "Let me see me."

Taylor also took time out of her schedule to put on a fashion show for us. I think she did her make up too.

You may be wondering where Tanner man was hiding all this time.
Well, Santa came through and brought nothing other then a Wii!
After a very eventful Christmas day a little R and R time was much needed with some beautiful college buddies. These two helped me forget about the traveling blues and catch up on some good times.

I even got Earle and Josh to stop talking for a moment and give me a quick pic. BFFs!

The last big adventure involved some extremely cold weather, extremely bright lights, and extremely fun friends. Lindsey and her boyfriend met us as we went though some very pretty Christmas lights. It was freezing, but fun.
Brooke is trying to thaw out. She is still a little white from being frozen.

So friends, it saddens me to say that Christmas break 2009 is now a part of my past. Here's to just as many adventures in 2010!
I leave you with a few videos from our two weeks.......
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