What an incredible, stressful, and purposeful few months.
When I logged on to my blog today I saw that last post was September 7, and I thought it had only been a month since I was on here last, but then realized it was November.
I’m not quite sure where time has gone this last two months, but there have been some big changes that God is leading me through.
Earle had a 31 day KLS episode. The very disease that inspired in some part this blog, kept me away for a while. With careful thought and prayer he has decided not to go back to his job of teaching. We know God will not close a door without opening another one.
I started a new job at school that is an everyday learning curve. Would not trade it for anything…. so far. Since August I have sat in the front of a helicopter, tested out the fall festival slide, and received several hugs from some wonderful students.
Trying to get back into a routine has been difficult these past few months with so much going on at once.
I always love to look back on difficult situations and find how God worked through it. I am not there yet with all this, but I certainly know that it is coming very soon. There have been times in the past few months God has carried me through some day and others when his presents felt far away from us.
I am currently reading a book called “The boy who came back from Heaven.” I can tell that this will be part of the story I will tell in a few months about getting through all we have going on right now. I’m not sure how, but know it will be so. It is an incredible story of a 6 year old boy who survives a horrible car wreck. My favorite quote so far is a description if their situation after the wreck “Stressed but blessed.”
If you are reading this, please stop and say a prayer for my grandmother, Momo. Her health is not where it should be and she could use lots of prayers right now! If you talk to her, don’t tell her she is on here, she would get me :)
I know this post was a continuous ramble, but sometimes that is what our days bring. Hope to be back soon!
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