Wednesday we took a way overdue trip to celebrate the life of a great Pop!
Pop is my dad's father or Joe Bartley or also known Colonel.(more on that later)
Sadly for us, Pop passed away on Monday night, but I can tell you that he is in a much better place then he was.
Brooke, Earle, Mom and I loaded up the car and headed down Wednesday and then finished up the drive on Friday to join my dad who was already there.
The funeral was a time to say goodbye and remember what made Pop such a great person. Growing up with family so far away we visited much less then our hearts would have liked, but I have some very special memories of our trips to see Grandma and Pop.
To begin my dad has 3 brothers, making that a total of 4 boys growing up in under one roof. Someone had to give orders and that happened to be Pop, who soon gained the nickname colonel long before I was born.
To a 10 year old hearing this name it could only mean one thing- Pop was a great colonel in the US Navy, so I wrote a essay on him for my class. Imagine my surprise when several years later I realized that colonel was a nick name due to Pop giving orders all the time.
I also remember talking very loudly to him over the phone. Loud, because he often thought he did not need to wear his hearing aid to hear. When I say talk loudly it was more like a yell. Fun times!
When I made the choice to go to Georgia Southern, Pop was quick to tell me that he had spies watching me while I was away at college.
I also learned the correct way to eat a grapefruit from Pop on one of our visits.

I sure hope he had is hearing aid in for God or that he is not giving to many orders up there! We love you Pop and will see you again in time.
Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden,and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
Matthew 11:28
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